Urea prices in Ukraine have risen sharply


Mineral fertilizers in Ukraine continue to rise in price. In particular, the price of urea increased by UAH 2,000 / t over the week.

So, according to the price list of the company "Himagro", the average cost of fertilizer is 31,000 UAH / t. Last week the cost was UAH 29,000 / t.

The price of ammonium nitrate has not changed over the week. At present, fertilizer costs UAH 26,000 / t.

The cost of UAN 32 for the second month is kept at around UAH 24,000 / t.

The price of nitroammophoska NPK 16:16:16 made in Belarus is currently 22,500 UAH / t, which is at the level of the last week.

As a reminder, one should not expect price stabilization in the mineral fertilizers market until April-May 2022, there are no prerequisites for a price reduction and there will be no short-term prospects. This was announced by Oleg Yashulin, a trader for fertilizers at Prometey Group.


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