Forest in the middle of a metropolis


In the Netherlands, a vertical forest called "Trudeau Tower", consisting of 125 trees, was created in a high-rise building. The house was built as part of a social housing project, and the first tenants have already moved into their apartments.

Trudeau is the name of a housing community in Eindhoven created by vertical forest pioneer Stephen Boeri Arcitetti.

This is a unique project, the main goal of which is to popularize biological diversity in modern big cities. In addition to 125 trees, more than 5 thousand bushes and other plants grow in the vertical forest, which absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce about 14 tons of oxygen.

The vertical man-made forest is spread over 19 floors. The house has small apartments with a maximum area of ​​50 sq.m. And each apartment has a terrace, and a tree and several dozen bushes are planted on the balconies. A special substrate was used for planting the plants, and the plants were carefully selected with the condition that they showed maximum vitality in non-standard conditions.

The creative and ambitious project was completed on June 2, when the last tree was planted on the façade of the Tower of Trudeau. Plants for planting in a vertical forest were selected with the participation of the Italian botanist Laura Gatti.

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