UAE business is interested in investing in the agricultural sector of Ukraine


The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and the delegation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) headed by the State Minister of Food and Water Security of the UAE Maryam Al Mheiri discussed the issues of attracting investments and implementing investment projects in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

Representatives of 5 government agencies (Ministry of Food and Water Security, Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation) and representatives of 7 large UAE companies took part in the event from the government delegation of the UAE.

With regard to Ukraine's cooperation with international financial institutions, Roman Leshchenko spoke about the unprecedented support of Western partners.

It is noted that the Ukrainian side expressed a high interest in attracting investments from Emirati financial institutions and companies in the irrigation sector of Ukraine due to favorable conditions for doing business, namely: unregulated market, a simplified tax system for business and large state preferences.

Summing up, the parties agreed to provide the Ukrainian side with a list of issues on topical and attractive areas for investment in Ukraine.

Earlier we wrote that Turkey established zero duties on grain imports by the end of the year.

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