In the coming years, "UZ" will receive 15 thousand new grain carriers


The anti-crisis headquarters for the restoration of the stable functioning of Ukrzaliznytsia held a second meeting, which discussed the renewal of freight cars and the fight against tariff discrimination. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

According to the Minister of Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov, decades of underfulfillment of procurement plans and ignoring crisis phenomena have led to the fact that the depreciation of rolling stock in Ukraine is more than 90%.

“Based on these realities, we are starting a large-scale process of renewing the fleet of freight cars. In the coming years, we plan to build and upgrade more than 30 thousand gondola cars and about 15 thousand grain carriers. The state will receive additional jobs and at least UAH 20 billion of budget revenues, the average age of carriages will decrease from 23 to 7 years. In fact, we are talking about the formation of a market, the total volume of which will be more than UAH 100 billion,” Kubrakov said.

At the meeting, the Anti-Crisis Headquarters also drew up proposals to eliminate discriminatory tariffs for the carriage of goods for individual companies and to revise long-term agreements concluded in 2021 for the provision of services for the use of cars owned by Ukrzaliznytsia for their economic feasibility and resource feasibility.

In addition, a mechanism for identifying freight cars of various owners will be developed and implemented in order to prevent the use of cars on the territory of Ukraine, the owners of which are sanctioned persons.

In September, the Cabinet of Ministers, pursuant to the decision of the National Security and Defense Council, approved the creation of an Anti-Crisis Headquarters to restore the stable functioning of Ukrzaliznytsia. It was headed by the Minister of Infrastructure Alexander Kubrakov.

The primary task to be solved by the Anti-Crisis Headquarters is to establish the procurement process and rhythmic supplies of material and technical support, in particular, on critical positions for the infrastructure, carriage and locomotive economy.

BAM previously wrote that 8.2 million tons of grain have been transported along the Dnieper since the beginning of the year.


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