Grain export from Ukraine exceeded 30 million tons


The volume of export deliveries of grain crops from Ukraine since the beginning of 2021/22 MY as of December 22, 2021 amounted to 30.1 million tons, which is 5.36 million tons or 22% more than last year.

This is evidenced by the data of the State Fiscal Service, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food said in a statement.

Thus, since the beginning of the season, wheat has been exported 15.6 million tons, which is 27% more than last year.

The supply of barley to foreign markets amounted to 5.1 million tons (+ 36%).

As of the reporting date, 87 thousand tons of rye were shipped, which is dozens of times higher than last year's figure (1.7 thousand tons).

Corn exported 9.06 million tons. The increase in deliveries amounted to 9% compared to last year's figures.

At the same time, the export of Ukrainian flour since the beginning of the season amounted to 58.1 thousand tons, which is 23% less than the indicator for the same date last season.

For reference: in 2020/21 MY, the export of grain and leguminous crops amounted to 44.6 million tons: wheat - 16.6 million tons; barley - 4.2 million tons; rye - 17.1 thousand tons; corn - 23.1 million tons; flour - 126.9 thousand tons

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