The positions of exporters of agricultural raw materials in the EU market will depend on the greening of production


In the European Union, more and more attention is paid to the environmental friendliness of food products, in particular, by controlling the use of SVR and fertilizers. The Ukrainian government, in order to ensure favorable positions for domestic exporters in the EU market, should also bet on greening.

This opinion was expressed by the head of the State Food Service Vladislava Magaletska in a comment to

“The European Union is pursuing a policy of more careful attention to the use of pesticides, food additives, fertilizers, etc. Ukraine should not lag behind the EU in this matter. We should not be witnesses to the creation of a new reality - we should become its participants. Otherwise, Ukraine will forever remain in the non-modernized echelon of raw material appendages. I'm not talking about maintaining the health of the population and the positions of our exporters in the EU market,” says Vladislava.

According to her, in order to get a ticket to a bright future, it is necessary to carry out European integration reforms now.

“Together with my colleagues, I am now actively working to introduce European standards in the water quality sector, use pesticides, food additives, put things in order with dietary supplements and other substances on the Ukrainian market,” the head of the State Food and Consumer Service emphasized.

Magaletska stressed that in 2021 Ukraine took two very important steps in creating new standards of healthy life according to European standards.

The first is the new standards for the content of the chemical chlorpyrifos in products.

The second is limiting the phosphate content in detergents. These two decisions will positively affect both the situation with water quality and the health of Ukrainians in general.

“Obviously, this trend will continue into 2022. Next in line is the establishment of new water quality standards, the formation of a list of pesticides and food additives solely on the basis of compliance with European standards, bringing other standards to EU standards,” said Vladislava Magaletska.

She is convinced that Ukraine should not pursue a policy of "modernization in pursuit" with a long time lag in this area. It is necessary to respond more actively to changes in European legislation by introducing similar norms.

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