Condensed milk producers find it increasingly difficult to compete in foreign markets


The mills hope to sell off the remaining stock in December, while increasing prices once again, Infagro said in a statement.

In mid-December, the main operators in a large wholesale offer: canned milk: DSTU - UAH 32-35 / can (370 g), almost DSTU - UAH 30.0-32.0 / bank, TU products - UAH 21-24 / bank.

“A further increase in canned food prices is unlikely, especially export prices. It is becoming more and more difficult to compete with Russian and Belarusian goods on foreign markets, ”analysts say.

Export volumes remain significantly lower than last year's figures. In November, 2.36 tons of condensed milk were exported, which is 12% less than the corresponding month of 2020. In December-January, exports will noticeably decrease.

“The import of Belarusian canned food is stable. Last month, 217 tons were imported at invariably low prices, ”the experts state.

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