Ukrainian organic millet entered the US market


Agrofirm "Pole" in 2021 carried out the first deliveries of organic millet to the US market.

Export shipments were based on Canadian Organic Production (COR) equivalent to US NOP standards.

At the same time, the United States is one of the largest producers of organic millet and a net exporter of this product, so the import of millet to the United States is an important precedent.

Agrofirm "Pole" has already made several deliveries during 2021, the first 95 tons of organic millet were shipped in May-June of this year and another 220 tons were shipped during November. The delivery was carried out by a sea vessel from Ukraine to the USA.

“We started marketing in North America in 2016 ... Since then we have been thinking about NOP certification. But, finally, at the request of our partners, they were certified in accordance with COR standards last year, - says the commercial director of Agrofirma Pole LLC Andrey Elsukov.

He explained that in the United States last year and this year, there was a failure in organic millet due to significant drought in Colorado, where large areas are occupied by this crop.

“This also contributed to our exports to the USA, but the participation of the importer in this process is important, because the export process is somewhat different from the export to the EU - more checks, a longer transportation process, etc.,” Elsukov added.

In 2009, an equivalence agreement between the United States and Canada began to operate, but only this year Ukrainian manufacturers were able to use it for the first time.

“A prerequisite for the export of products according to an equivalent agreement is the phrase in the corresponding operator's certificate:“ Certified in accordance with the terms of the Agreement on the Equivalence of Requirements of National Organic Standards of the USA and Canada, ”notes Olga Lisetskaya, Quality Manager of the Organic Standard Certification Body.

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