Deputies sent for revision a bill on the protection of bees from pesticides


In Parliament, at a meeting on January 27, 2022, deputies sent for revision draft law No. 5237 “On the development of the beekeeping industry, protection, protection and preservation of bees” and alternative No. 5274-1.

"For" voted 274 people's deputies.

“Implementation of the Law will have a positive impact on the development of the beekeeping industry, will contribute to the protection and protection of bees, increase the production of bee products, the effective use of bees for pollination of entomophilous plants, the use of bees and bee products in the prevention and treatment of human diseases, ensuring guarantees for the observance of rights and protection of interests individuals and legal entities engaged in beekeeping, ”says the explanatory note to the bill No. 5274-1.

The bill proposes:

1) expand the terminology governing relations in the field of beekeeping;

2) detail the issues of financing the beekeeping industry and specify the areas of state support;

3) improve the aspects of guaranteeing the rights and interests of beekeepers;

4) fix and specify measures for the protection and storage of bees;

5) provide for controlled bee pollination in accordance with evidence-based recommendations;

6) regulate and promote the work of nomadic apiaries;

7) expand the spectrum associated with health improvement, treatment and prevention of diseases with the help of bee products (apitherapy);

8) expand and clearly specify issues related to the protection and protection of bees, the prevention of cases of bee poisoning, notification of beekeepers (beekeepers) about the cultivation of plants with plant protection products;

9) expand the range of violations for which they will be held liable due to non-compliance with the legislation in the field of beekeeping;

10) secure additional opportunities by voluntary association of beekeepers;

11) provide for beekeeping as an element of the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine;

12) expand educational and scientific support for the beekeeping industry.

According to People's Deputy Dmitry Solomchuk, in general, the laws provide, in particular:

1. Establish packaging and labeling requirements for pesticides that will minimize the likelihood of them being mistaken for food, drink, medicine and feed, as required by EU law;

2. Bring the requirements for placing on the market, storing and recording information on plant protection products in line with European regulation;

3. Raise farmers' awareness of how to use pesticides safely, etc.

“The health and life of people, as well as the state of the environment, depend on the correct and safe use of pesticides. In this regard, it is critically important to provide those who apply pesticides with clear and understandable information on the procedure for their safe use, as well as on all prohibitions and restrictions on their use, including for non-target objects, which include, in particular, fish, birds and bees,” Solomchuk recalled.


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