In Ukraine, new sizes of fines will be introduced for refusing to admit the State Food and Consumer Service to inspections
The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has registered draft law No. 6352 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Revision of the Procedure for Conducting Inspections for Violation of Consumer Rights and Reducing the Amount of Fines".
As the authors of the bill note, its purpose is to create legislative prerequisites for increasing the transparency of the system of inspections by executive authorities implementing state policy in the field of state control over compliance with consumer protection legislation, as well as eliminating contradictions between existing legislative acts and unifying approaches to attracting liability persons guilty of violating consumer protection legislation.
The project proposes to establish penalties for creating obstacles in conducting product quality checks, as well as rules for trade and other types of services if there are legal grounds for it:
- in the amount of 0.05 percent of the value of products sold for the previous calendar month for business entities with a low degree of risk from carrying out economic activities in the event of a violation for the first time and 0.25 percent in case of a repeated violation during a calendar year, but not less than 1000 nmdg , and in the event that, in accordance with the law, the business entity does not keep compulsory records of income and expenses - in the amount of 1000 nmdg;
- in the amount of 0.25 percent of the value of products sold for the previous calendar month for business entities with an average degree of risk from carrying out economic activities in the event of a violation for the first time and 0.5 percent in the event of a repeated violation during a calendar year, but not less than 2000 nmdg, and if, in accordance with the law, a business entity does not keep compulsory records of income and expenses - in the amount of 2000 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens.