Only 39% of poultry farmers expect to improve profitability in 2021


In 2021, only about 39% of the world's poultry farmers expect to see improved profitability, down 10% from last year. 28% expect it to decline, while 33% believe it will remain at the same level.

This is evidenced by the results of an annual survey conducted by WATT Global Media (USA) among 560 respondents from around the world on macro trends that affect the poultry industry.

“Among the main problems for their business in 2021, 85% of those surveyed named an increase in prices for grain and feed components, and 68% – problems with their quality,” the statement said.

Note that about 52% of respondents believe that the cost of feed this year will increase by 1-5%, 22% expect a rise in prices for feed by 5-10%, and 18% of survey participants – more than 10%. Only 5% are optimistic and expect it to remain at the 2020 level, while less than 1% hope it will decrease.

In addition, another problem, according to 63% of respondents, will be the rise in prices for feed additives and micro-components, as well as risks in the supply chain.

At the same time, in 2021, 60% of poultry and feed manufacturers who took part in the survey also expect a decrease in profitability.

Earlier BAM wrote that the exclusion of poultry farmers from the IV group of taxpayers would harm small businesses.


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