Libya introduced breeding cattle from Ukraine to its market


The relevant authorities of Ukraine and Libya have agreed on a bilateral form of a veterinary certificate for the export of pedigree cattle from Ukraine to Libya.

This is stated in the message of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

“Libya is a country with which we cooperate on many commodity items. Now Ukrainian entrepreneurs have the opportunity to export pedigree cattle to Libya, which is an important item of Ukrainian agricultural exports. And this means that the business has received new opportunities for growth,” said Vladislava Magaletskaya, Chairman of the State Food and Consumer Service.

You can familiarize yourself with the form of the certificate on the official web portal of the department at the link.

For reference: earlier this year, the competent authorities of Ukraine and Libya agreed on a certificate for the export of milk and dairy products from Ukraine. Also, the countries agreed on the forms of certificates for the export of poultry meat, products from it and cattle for slaughter from Ukraine.


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