More than 370 thousand fish fry were released into the Kakhovsky reservoir and the lower reaches of the Dnieper River


On September 29, 2021, at the expense of the state budget, the water bodies of the Kherson region were stocked.

This was reported by the press service of the State Fisheries Agency.

So, in the Kakhovsky reservoir and the lower reaches of the river. Dnipro produced 370,032 copies. (9484 kg) underyearlings of aquatic biological resources: silver carp - 280 139 specimens, grass carp - 67 833 specimens. and carp (carp) - 20,060 specimens.

The weight of one specimen of fry was about 26 grams.

Zaribok is grown by the Kherson Production and Experimental Plant for breeding young stock of fish.

Control over the stocking was carried out by a special commission, which included representatives of the Kherson fish protection patrol, the State Ecological Inspectorate of the Southern District and local authorities.

It should be reminded that almost 70,000 brook trout fry have been settled in Prut. Thus, a total of 25282 specimens were released into the Prut, Cheremosh, Tisa and their tributaries. underyearlings of Danube salmon with a total weight of about 199 kg.


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