In the Vinnitsa region, manure is used to heat the pig breeding complex


In the Vinnytsia region, on the territory of the former collective farm, there is a closed-cycle pig farm. They do not spend money on heating the pig farm, since energy is produced from manure at a biogas station. reports.

“Waste from the farm goes to the biogas station due to underground utilities. We use the generated energy to heat the farm. Then, from the station, also through underground communications, waste enters a closed lagoon located in the nearby area. This year we have saved UAH 3 million due to organic fertilization, ”says Vadym Krychkovsky, head of Organic-D LLC.

From the story, in the very ventilation shafts, there are special sprays that wash the air so that the smell does not come out. The air comes out odorless.

“In the Vinnitsa region, this is probably the only environmentally friendly production - without waste and the smell of manure in the air. Waste in biogas - digestate, used in the cultivation of agricultural and vegetable crops. It is much better than mineral fertilizers. With the rise in the price of mineral fertilizers, this technology has become profitable, ”said the farm.

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