The results of phytosanitary analysis of winter grain crops were announced

Planting material

In the second decade of November 2021, according to information from the State Food and Consumer Service, the larvae of the ground beetle, winter moth and cereal fly are actively feeding on winter grain crops. The spread of diseases is noted.

It is noted that throughout Ukraine, more than 4% of the crops (in some fields 30%) of winter wheat, in terms of the number of 0.3-2 ind./m², are inhabited by the larvae of the ground beetle, where they feed. Phytophage is damaged on average 2, max. in bonfires up to 5-9% of plants (Zaporozhye region).

On 5-48% of the surveyed areas, winter moth caterpillars in the number of 0.5-2 ind./m² damaged 0.5-3, max. 6-10% of winter grain crops (Zaporozhye, Sumy regions).

“The foci of development are localized. With a supra-threshold number (2-3 or more larvae of ground beetles, caterpillars of winter moths per 1 m²) and an air temperature of at least + 5 ° C, winter cereals in the tillering phase are protected by spraying with permitted preparations, ”the State Food and Consumer Service notes.

On 5–48% of the area of ​​winter cereals, the harmfulness of revived larvae of cereal flies is noted for 0.5–2% of plants.

Powdery mildew, septoria blight, root rot cover 1.5-8% of winter wheat and rye plants everywhere. Rust was found on 2-3% of winter cereal plants in the western regions. In the Transcarpathian, Nikolaev, Odessa and other regions, 1-6% of winter barley plants are affected by helminthosporium.


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