In Ukraine 12 regions have completed sowing winter rapeseed

Planting material

As of September 27, 2021, 939 thousand hectares of winter rape were sown in Ukraine, which is 91% of the forecast. The agrarians of 12 regions have completely completed the sowing of rapeseed. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine.

The agrarians of Dnepropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Kiev and Kirovograd region almost completely sowed rapeseed.

Winter crops sown 2 million 153 thousand hectares, or 27% of the forecast. The leaders in terms of the rate of sowing of winter grain crops are the agrarians of the Poltava region, who sowed 65% of the forecasted areas.

  • Wheat has been sown to 1 million 952 thousand hectares (29% to the forecast) in 24 regions.
  • Barley has been sown on 127 thousand hectares (12% to the forecast) in 22 regions.
  • Rye has been sown on 75 thousand hectares (47% of the forecast) in 16 regions.

In addition, the cost of fertilizers for autumn field work can increase by 40%.


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