Jaffa brand has started the production of juices using direct extraction technology


The Jaffa brand has started selling a premium line of 100% direct-pressed juices. This was reported by the press service of the company.

“The product is produced using direct pressing technology from fresh fruits, which guarantees the naturalness and benefits of the juice. The novelty does not contain water, added sugar and any other artificial or natural additives. The product will appear on the shelves of retail chains in Ukraine in early February,” the message says.

Let us add that direct-pressed juice is freshly squeezed juice, pasteurized and bottled in sealed packaging. This is a product that retains as much as possible all the advantages and benefits of the fruit from which it is pressed.

“The launch of direct-pressed juices will complement the wide range of the Jaffa brand, which has been present on the Ukrainian market for 27 years and is now represented by 100% juices, smoothies, nectars with added benefits and children's juice products. Most of these products are innovative and it was under the Jaffa brand that they first appeared on the Ukrainian market, literally creating from scratch product categories that did not exist before. Today, the main task of the brand is to offer consumers healthy and healthy products that meet high quality and composition requirements,” the company notes.

Juices will produce three flavors: apple, apple combined with pear, apple with banana. The advantage of 100% Jaffa juices is a significant difference in taste, because only sweet apples are used for direct pressing. Juices will be produced in 0.95 liter cardboard packaging. The company plans to expand the range and geography of deliveries.

“When developing all our products, we support the idea of ​​a healthy diet, take into account modern taste preferences of consumers and trends in the global food market. The production process of 100% direct-pressed Jaffa juices is built in such a way that lovers of tasty and healthy drinks take only the best from fruits,” emphasizes Maxim Protopopov, Jaffa brand manager.


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