Ukraine faces a food crisis


In Ukraine, the rise in the price of food products is low, and there are few social ones. Such a disproportion of prices can provoke the present not without an energetic, scarlet food crisis. Such a thought was caught by the NAAS vice-president, academician Anush Balyan.

On the thought of naukovitsi, virobniks through an energy crisis are brought up to adjust prices, and dekhto edge on speculative options.

“A kilogram of buckwheat has increased in price by 17.5%, rice - by 28%, manna cereals - by 17.3%. The batch of khlib has grown by 20-22%. The season for flowers is less likely to grow, and the number of flowers has already jumped by 27-30%. Up to 45-50 hryvnias for a dozen of grown-ups, the number of yauts at stores, and only an intermediate indicator. Ale і tsey stribok is not flammable, as the price for olіya, as it increased by 67%, "- said the expert.

On the other hand, it is important to carry low-value food products to the cordon, and also to raise prices to the internal market. Zokrem, Ukraine for export, close to 80 thousand. t. honey, scho to become 90% of all kinds of virobnitstva. As a result, the part of this product for Ukrainians dropped 400 UAH for 1 liter.

“We care about on the smallest healthy electricians and gas, this winter has not been hungry. For the Ukrainians, who are already getting the prices, and growing fast, ”the NAAS vice-president summed up.

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