Farmers of Cherkasy and Kyiv regions are actively feeding winter crops

Plant growing

Agrarians of the Kyiv and Cherkasy regions are fully preparing for spring field work, applying nitrogen fertilizers on frozen soil and not panicking.

According to a farmer from the Kyiv region, now everything is going according to plan in the fields.

“There is no panic, because you need to work. Who is now actively fertilizing winter crops, ”the agrarian notes.

Agricultural producers from the Cherkasy region also note that the process of preparation for spring field work is in full swing.

“We are actively buying saltpeter and urea, for the second week we have been applying nitrogen fertilizers on frozen soil. I heard only one colleague that he does not know how to plan in connection with the possibility of war. And so everything is in work, ”the farmer emphasized.

He noted that the price of saltpeter will be reduced to at least UAH 25,000/t. There are a lot of them in stock.

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