Large drone maker asked to turn off Russian UAVs

Technique, equipment

The Chinese drone manufacturer DJI is asked to turn off Russian drones in Ukraine and stop blocking the supply of drones to Ukraine.

The head of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Drone Owners Taras Troyak sent a corresponding appeal to the head of a large Chinese drone company DJI Frank Wong, Censor.NET reports.

He listed his requests:

"1. turn off Russian Aeroscopes and Russian drones on the territory of Ukraine (one of the Aeroscopes, according to our information, is installed in Chernobyl)

2. help to restart our airscopes

3. stop pressuring and intimidating DJI dealers in Europe to block drone deliveries to Ukraine

4. provide information on the availability of drones in warehouses in Europe and a discount on their purchase.

He also urged to officially declare their position on the war in Ukraine.

"He also reminded that while the official position of China is that China is against the war, which means that DJI should help the Ukrainians, not the Russians. We are defending ourselves on our territory! Glory to Ukraine!" Troyak added.

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