Corn prices rose to a three-month high
Export quotations for Ukrainian corn rose to the highest level since November 2021 amid increased external demand and the need to cover previously concluded contracts.
Analysts at Refinitiv Agriculture report this, citing their own monitoring data.
Export quotations for Ukrainian corn increased by $5 per week to $278-284 per ton FOB for delivery in February-March, CPT prices increased by $7 per ton to $272-277 per ton for delivery in February over the week.
Liquidity in the Ukrainian corn market has grown significantly this week. Steady export demand and the need to cover previously concluded contracts, as well as rising purchase prices for the purchase of farmers to sell corn grain. Traders note that sales volumes in the domestic market often do not meet demand, which is the reason for rising prices.
Recall that atypical price trends will dominate the wheat and corn markets. We also wrote that Nibulon will reduce the area under corn this year.