8.2 million tons of grain have been transported along the Dnieper since the beginning of the year

Transport and logistic

This is stated in the message of the Administration of the seaports of Ukraine.

According to the data of the River Information Service of Ukraine (RIS) of the Delta-Lotsman branch, following the results of eight months from the beginning of the year, freight traffic along the Dnieper amounted to 8.25 million tons, which is 34.4% more (or 2.1 tons) than in the same period last year.

During this period, 9834 flights were carried out, against 6528 flights in 2020 (+ 50.6%).

The main share of cargo is construction cargo, the volume of transportation of which increased by 94.3% and reached 5.77 million tons.

The second place is occupied by grain cargoes. The volume of transportation decreased by 22.2% compared to the last year and amounted to 1.59 million tons. In addition, metal products are actively transported by the river. For 8 months of 2021, the volume of metal transportation reached 877.1 thousand tons, which is 19.5% less than in the same period in 2020.


The River Information Service of Ukraine (RIS) is a structural subdivision of the Delta-Pilot branch of the State Enterprise “Administration of the Seaports of Ukraine”, created by order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine dated February 25, 2011 No. 7 “On a set of measures regarding the creation of a river information service on inland waterways Ukraine ”was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 19, 2011 under No. 606/19344.

The main task of RIS: to contribute to the improvement of the safety of navigation, the efficiency of transportations on inland waterways and the protection of the environment, to improve the work with commercial and other modes of transport by providing boatmasters and all authorized users of the official RIS website, information on navigation, the state of inland navigation. waterways of Ukraine and factors affecting navigation conditions in the RIS area on the Dnieper and Danube rivers.


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