Due to climate change, Ukraine is moving into a zone of ultra-high temperatures and weather disasters.


Scientists believe that in 20 years the world may become 1.5 ° C warmer compared to pre-industrial levels. This already leads to significant changes in the kilmata and affects the agriculture of the world.

This is stated in the article Global warming or solar activity: why natural disasters have become more frequent and what to expect in the future Latifundist.com.

According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, due to climatic changes, our country is already moving into a zone of ultra-high temperatures and weather disasters. And in the next 30-40 years, desertification of significant territories may occur.

The rise in the average annual air temperature in Ukraine is confirmed by domestic meteorologists.

“Should there be any doubt about the existence of global warming? In my opinion, not worth it, because the numbers speak for themselves. Average annual air temperature in Ukraine for the period 1991-2020 rose by 0.8-1.8 ° C compared with previous indicators for the 30-year period 1961-1990. the territory takes place at brisk strides. In addition, there is an almost continuous period of warming in Ukraine, and throughout the entire period the average annual air temperature was above normal in 65-75% of cases, ”explains Oksana Yashchuk, expert of the Meteo Pharm meteorological service.

And UN experts described a possible apocalyptic scenario if the trends that are observed today continue:

  • The Arctic will be almost completely free of ice by 2050 once a year, most likely in September;
  • in the future, precipitation will increase in the Sahara, the Arctic and the equator in the Pacific Ocean;
  • less precipitation will be in the southwestern part of South America, Western Australia and the Mediterranean region;
  • there is a high probability that the Gulf Stream will weaken, even if greenhouse gas emissions are minimal; by 2100 the current may disappear altogether;
  • the disappearance of the Gulf Stream will lead to an increase in air temperature in Northern Europe, the belt of tropical rains will be shifted to the south;
  • Asian and African monsoon rains will weaken, while at the same time intensify in the Southern Hemisphere;
  • the temperature rises more over land (by 1.6 ° C) than over the sea (0.9 ° C);
  • the water level in the oceans by 2100 will rise by 0.5 m compared to today, provided that global warming reaches a critical level of 2 ° C.


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