The frequency and intensity of droughts in Ukraine will increase


The annual amount of precipitation in Ukraine is decreasing. They become unpredictable and unstable. Farmers cannot influence such a disappointing trend, therefore they are actively looking for ways to preserve moisture in the fields.

This is stated in the article "Lack of precipitation and mitigation methods."

“The farmer does not affect the climate, but he can adapt to modern challenges and natural conditions. The way out of the situation that has developed in many regions of the country, and in the Sumy region in particular, is the use of various technological processes and techniques that have effectively influenced the soil. And as a result, they led to good yield indicators,” the article says.

Speaking about droughts and a lack of moisture in the soil, in recent years, many enterprises have gradually introduced new agricultural techniques that allow them to preserve moisture in the soil and use it rationally. If earlier, by 1990, the average annual rainfall in the Sumy region was 608 mm, then in later periods there was a significant decrease in this indicator. As an example, let us consider the average indicators for the last four years in the area of ​​land cultivation by OOO MHP-Urozhainaya Strana:

  • 2017 - 456.5 mm;
  • 2018 - 338.3 mm;
  • 2019 - 425 mm;
  • 2020 - 365 mm.

Unfortunately, this trend will continue in the future. According to experts, the number of dry years will increase over time, and the intensity of periodic droughts will increase. Most growers have tried different methods and techniques over the years to figure out which one is right for their region and conditions.

A large number of agricultural enterprises have been using plowing in their work for many years - a technique that provides loosening with rotation of soil layers, deepening crop residues and fertilizers to an appropriate depth. For this, agricultural machinery and equipment are being improved.

Plowing is a method of basic soil cultivation, which provides overturning, crumbling and loosening of the soil layer. The main technological purpose of plowing is the periodic restoration of the soil structure of the upper arable horizon. Thanks to plowing, the volume of soil and porosity increases, weeds are cut, plant residues and fertilizers are wrapped in the soil.

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