Meat and bone meal can become a partial substitute for mineral fertilizers


Meat processing waste can be a valuable fertilizer due to its high protein content. This is one of the promising ways to reduce the use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

However, according to, this product cannot completely replace mineral fertilizers. According to the report, 1 ton of such fertilizer is close to 5 tons of manure. However, it should be borne in mind that meat and bone meal contains little potassium and magnesium, and there is not enough nitrogen and phosphorus in it, so you still have to supplement your diet with mineral fertilizers. Although in conditions of high prices for fertilizers, even their partial replacement can provide significant savings.

At the same time, the fertilizer from meat and bone meal is especially recommended for acidic and poor in phosphorus soils.

The content of individual ingredients depends primarily on the type of animal, processing technology and storage method. On average, meat and bone meal is about 60 kg / t of nitrogen, 100 kg / t of P2O5, 10 kg / t of K2O, 120 kg / t of CaO and 5 kg / t of MgO. Nitrogen is available predominantly in the form of protein and will be gradually released over about two years. Also, the effect of phosphorus is noticeable in the subsequent season after application.

The report notes that, on the one hand, no amount of flour can fully replace mineral fertilizing, and excessive use can lead to an excess of phosphorus. Experience shows that this type of fertilizer should not cover all the plants' need for nitrogen, which it is rich in. Optimally, up to 80% of nitrogen fertilization can be achieved with the help of meat and bone meal, and the rest should be supplemented with mineral fertilizers.

Polish law allows this flour to be used at a maximum dose of 5 t / ha every two years, and this dose works best. Fertilizer must be applied before sowing, immediately mixing it with the soil.

Also, meat and bone meal increases the sorption properties of the soil and stimulates its microbiological activity. Another advantage is the fertilization effect, which remains high for two seasons, which is a big savings in the next year after application. A relatively low price is just as important as a lower dose than in the case of natural fertilizers, which results in lower fuel consumption.

The disadvantage is definitely the poorly balanced composition. The potassium content is low in comparison with the rest of the components, but the phosphorus content is too high and on soils rich in this element it is possible to "overdo it".

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