Benefits of keeping chickens


It seems that chicken keeping is becoming very popular. Many of our friends have chickens and they supply us with fresh eggs. But fresh eggs are just one good reason to keep chickens in your backyard. Here are a few more.

Some of the benefits of keeping chickens

Children learn about responsibility and the source of eggs

Instead of your kids thinking that everything comes from the supermarket, they learn that chickens lay the eggs they eat. This will give them a sense of responsibility as they help feed the chicks and collect the eggs. They will also be interested in seeing the chickens lay their eggs. It can also encourage them to grow their own fruits and vegetables.

Chickens are unpretentious

Once you set up your chicken coop and flock, chick care is minimized. It may take you as little as 10 minutes a day to make sure they have enough food and water, throw out the leftovers for them to eat, and check for eggs.

Chickens eat bedbugs

You don't have to use harmful pesticides to keep insects out of your garden as the chickens will eat them. They like to peck on beetles and dig in grass and rocks; it amuses them. Chickens eat scorpions, grasshoppers, ticks, termites, caterpillars, worms, slugs, eggs and pupae of flies, beetles, weevils, spiders, millipedes, and snails.

Chicken manure is an excellent fertilizer

Chicken feces are rich in nitrogen and also contain high amounts of potassium and phosphorus, making them the best manure. However, large amounts of nitrogen are dangerous to your vegetables and can burn or kill them. To make it useful in your garden, you need to compost chicken droppings.

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