White and black truffles are grown in the Chernivtsi region

Agricultural products

Farmer Mykhailo Kozma from Chernivtsi region grows white and black truffles.

This is stated in the SEEDS material.

It is noted that the period of return on investment in such a business is quite long. To get the first harvest of mushrooms, the farmer waited for five years – it was during this time that truffles grew from the spores sown. However, having sowed the mushrooms once, the harvest from the site can be harvested for 10-20 years. Spores of truffles are sown between trees (walnut, oak, beech, hazel). Mushrooms take nutrients from trees for growth.

White truffles are considered valuable. The cost of the product is 400 euros per 100 grams. Up to 15 kilograms of truffles are harvested from one hectare of mushroom plantation. For their cultivation, artificial irrigation can be used, because mushrooms need a lot of moisture.

“The most widespread area of ​​white truffle is Volovetsky, Bereznyansky and partially Perechinsky districts of Transcarpathia. Truffle loves southern slopes, mixed forests and moisture – otherwise the mushroom will feel uncomfortable,” said the farmer.

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